- Adobe ColdFusion
- Microsoft SQL Server
- PostgreSQL
- Apache Derby
- Javascript
- jQuery
Since 1993, Finial® Software Inc. has been helping companies provide data-aware tools and applications for Windows desktop and the web. Using state-of-the-art tools and techniques, some of what we have created includes:
- A sophisticated, award-winning content management system, including timed publication, chain-of-approval, multiple look-and-feel, and used for a large New England University, multi-national insurance company, and collection of jazz performing artists.
- A soup-to-nuts document management system, from author submission to refereeing to editing to publication to billing, for peer-reviewed manuscripts for a collection of world-renowned scientific journals.
- A membership management system including applications for new membership, membership renewals, and membership account maintenance for a scientific society.
- An insurance underwriting application to assist retail insurance salesmen in determining which application forms are required for the specific underwriting requirements of various jurisdictions and the contractual requirements among various brokers within those jurisdictions for a large multi-national insurance company.
- And many more...
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